It is an interview done personally with the interviewee. These interviews, depending on the purpose of the research, it can be performed at home, in the workplace, in points of flow (intercept or approach to individuals in transit) or in central location (pre-defined location prepared for interviews with previously recruited individuals).

Interviews performed via telephone are assisted by computer to expedite and make interview work more efficient. This technique ensures an even greater quality control than the other approach techniques, because, in addition to allowing simultaneous follow-up of interviews (through scheduled listening) it is also possible to validate the information collected in real time, thus avoiding inconsistencies in the application of the questionnaire.

Interview is done through the WEB, programming the data collection instrument and hosting the database on our online platform. The work is done with a specific audience that has access to the Internet. This technique allows speediness in the collection and processing of data, in addition to guaranteeing the interviewee a total impersonality in the register of their answers.

Therefore Focus Group sessions (or Group Discussions) are held in meeting rooms with an average accommodation of 10 people. This structure consists of a second conjugated room, equipped with a "one way" mirror (or internal TV circuit if held outside of our facilities), allowing the observation by the team that follows the work or even by the client. The sessions are audio recorded for later transcription. Meetings are conducted by a moderator guided by a pre-defined script with the topics to be addressed.

Therefore research is conducted through personal interviews, usually recorded on audio, where the researcher skillfully involves the interviewee to express not only their opinions, but a group of ideas and values that support them.

As its name implies, this method is essentially based on the observation applied on the target audience under investigation, usually at points of sale or at service desks which will allow the classification of their behaviors and attitudes.